Introducing our Mini Skills Reminder Booklet and our soon 2nd edition of our Colour Me Skillful with Dialectimals colouring book. Both of these books are available on Amazon.
The Mini Skills Reminder book will help you remember all the skills in each of the four quadrants including the acronyms. Here is the amazon link.
Images in the colouring book have been created with passion and courage and thoughtfulness about the wellness of those who will will colour in it.
The colouring book is beneficial for both new and practicing DBT clients. It includes written text with each image on what the skill is and how to use it. This book also contains some information on what DBT is and how DBT works, solidifying the learning process and adding some fun! Mindfully colouring these DBT skills adds to the successful outcomes of those who engage with their DBT skills. We hope you are as excited about this book as we are! If you have any questions or want to comment please email
**Some Colouring books will be distributed to agencies free of charge. If you are an agency who services mental health clients, some books can be made available to you to provide your clients especially first edition books.
Buy Now for only $14.99Examples of images you will see in the book!

First Edition Cover