647-573-3287 / info@dialecticalliving.ca

Kristen’s reality acceptance – the gift

BPD PrideEveryone has challenges to work on!  My challenges/disability get me accommodations through university, help for my BPD, the gift of being more sensitive and empathic, the passion to teach / help others, connection with a beautiful community.  I could go on.  It is what it is.  This is me practising my radical acceptance.  Embrace the beautiful you!  … julie

Kristen’s courage and insight go a long way to help others with the big gulp (accepting reality about our mental health challenges)  You are a beautiful gift to yourself and others.  Never forget this.


Is ADHD a legitimate condition or is it used as an excuse for not completing tasks?

Is ADHD a legitimate condition or is it used as an excuse for not completing tasks?

Jun 16, 2024
Harnessing Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) for ADHD: A Path to Empowerment and Stability

Harnessing Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) for ADHD: A Path to Empowerment and Stability

Jun 03, 2024