647-573-3287 / info@dialecticalliving.ca

Making lemonade out of lemons for covid

Cassey at Cassey Cares teaches her second skill the M in IMPROVE. We really can make meaning for covid. There is a dialectic. It is true that there are many challenges and a lot of pain and fear and worry out there AND there are also many ways in which there are positive things to be experienced and learned. The dialectic is that BOTH are true. Things CAN be GOOD and BAD at the same time. Cassey really did her research on this one. She asked many two-leggeds for their answers and she came up with 3 full classes of lemonade which are 1) time 2) gratitude 3) connection

Is ADHD a legitimate condition or is it used as an excuse for not completing tasks?

Is ADHD a legitimate condition or is it used as an excuse for not completing tasks?

Jun 16, 2024
Harnessing Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) for ADHD: A Path to Empowerment and Stability

Harnessing Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) for ADHD: A Path to Empowerment and Stability

Jun 03, 2024